1 . Our administrators and moderators have the right to remove,edit,move,or lock any post or thread.
If this happens,a private message will be sent to the author,explaining why this was done.
2. You have the freedom of
speech, however, we try to make this site family oriented and others have the right, and freedom, to not want to see things
posted that are vulgar, abusive, threatening, harassing, hateful, profane,excessive or extreme cursing, copyrighted,
or otherwise a violation of any law. Legal action can be sought, so Please do not post material which is illegal or offensive
as listed above.
3. Racial comments will not be tolerated. Any post containing racial slurs will be removed ASAP. The
member posting such comments will be sent a private message from one of our administrators or moderators. If further comments
are made, your membership will be terminated.
4. Pornographic or obscene material will be deleted and your membership
terminated. IMMEDIATELY !
5. Please respect your fellow posters, Attack the post, not the POSTER !
6. Any posts or threads
questioning the actions taken by any administrator or moderator will be removed ASAP. The member posting such comments will
be sent a private message. If further comments are made, your membership will be terminated. If you have a question or comment
about the actions of our administrators or moderators, it MUST be relayed through email or private message.A staff member
being attacked on an open forum and thread will not be tolerated.
7. If you have a problem with any member,or staff, please
contact the Administrators of this site if the problem persist and you need assistance in resolving an issue. We wish all
members to be able to feel at home here.
8. No person shall at any time be allowed to have have a username that threatens, attacks, humiliates
or harrass'es another member,nor a University of Kentucky Player, or Coach. The name will be taken down without warning, and
that member notified immediately, as to not let it happen again. If it does, that member so doing will be banned because of
further violation of this rule.
9. This site is a Pro-UK site,and a proud supporter of all the athletic programs.We do not expect
everyone to agree on the board,(with each other,or us)...nor like all the coaches,the way they coach,and everything about
them,how-ever,we do expect all members to state their arguments,for or against something,with-out bashing any certain coach,player,or
member.You are free to disagree with anyone,about anything,(but please do so
in a respectful manner is all we ask.)Do not cuss that person,coaches,etc,nor name call,especially if those names are
nasty or vulgar,it ABSOLUTELY won't be tolerated.Argue,disagree your points,just dont bash and
get nasty and abusive,that is all we ask.